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The Hausa Indigenous Fishing Gear Transfer: Influence Of Sarkanci On Fishing Among Nupe And Jukun Tribes



Phone No.: 07065635983


Sarkanci is an age long Hausa craft that is primarily concern with artisanal fishing which provides the much needed protein that the human body requires for its growth and development. Allah in His infinite bounties, has enriched some part of Hausa land with quite a number of water bodies. These are in the form of rivers, lakes, streams, dams and ponds. There is abundant fish species stocked in these water bodies and a substantial number of people are engage in harnessing the fish resources. Due to the pattern of their occupation, the Sarkawa, a professional fishing people are migrant in nature as they move from one water body to another in search of livelihood. In the course of their migration, they move along with their local fishing gears. The host community tends to copy and learn from them a lot of water rituals, including the production and use of certain fishing gears. It is in the light of these that this paper wishes to discuss how Sarkanci has made impact on fishing among the Nupe and Jukun tribes most especially in the use of Hausa fishing gears and other water rituals.


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